When it comes to tablets, obviously size does matter. If you are looking to buy a tablet we can help you make a choice and will tell you about both the sizes and companies. Tab users are often the younger generation, and many questions are asked from their side about which tab is best, how to reset security codes, or how to reset RCA tablets. All of these questions are important ones so we will inform you about them in this article.
Do you like to use a bigger tab with a bigger display or a small one? People are usually fond of tabs with 7 to 10 inches in size, and there is no set rule, it depends on your ease and liking. Today people are also buying tabs that are 18 inches in display. So it only depends on you. We will let you know about the size comparison, and we will also try and tell you how to reset the RCA tablet.

Screen Aspect Ratio
A 7-inch display has a 16:9 ratios, an amazing display of almost 21 to 22 square inches of display screen. While on the other hand the 8- inch tablet has a 27.5 square inches of display screen which is a lot more to offer when viewing media. So if you are a movie person and gaming fan you must go for the bigger one, and if you have a tab just to manage your work and keep it safe then you can go for the smaller one.
Other than the display ratio, the 8-inch tab are heavier than the 7-inch ones so if you are not too fond of holding a heavy device then you should probably go with the smaller one.
The most amazing tabs are the 8 inch Samsung tab 3 and the 7-inch Kindle Fire HD. Both are amazingly good at what they have been created for and its totally up to the user to decide what size and weight suit him best.
Tabs are basically said to be gadgets introduced as a replacement to computer system and laptops to get a portable version of them, but companies have made the tabs more of a fun gadget along with a working one. So people today are using more tabs with larger displays. These are mainly used for gaming and movies.
About The RCA Tablet and How to reset RCA Tablet!
The RCA tablet is also one of the best ones and if you want to know how to rest your RCA tablet because of any problem related to security you can simply turn it off charge it full and then press all three of the buttons that include volumes and power. A coded screen will appear before you. You have to use the volume key to choose the option of reboot or reset tab and erase all data. That’s how you reset your RCA tablet!